by - 20:23

(Picture: Trip to Cantabria, Spain. September 2019)


Ayer se decretó el estado de alerta en toda España. 
Se han suspendido las clases. 
No vamos a trabajar. 
Se han cerrado los espacios públicos. 
Hablo con familia y amigos y todos lo estamos viviendo esta situación como si fuera una película de ciencia ficción. No nos lo creemos.
Tenemos a Italia como ejemplo. Como ejemplo de a lo que vamos a llegar. Y de lo que no deberíamos hacer. Y te asomas a la ventana y ves a la gente haciendo vida normal. Como si se tratara de unas vacaciones o días libres que te dan el el trabajo.

Por otro lado el tema de los supermercados.
Están vacíos. La gente hace cola desde bien temprano para arrasar con todo nada más abrir. Yo creo que la gente está mas preocupada por no quedarse sin comida que por el virus, porque si te metes cada día en una aglomeración entrando en el supermercado es donde más posibilidades tienes de contagio. Ayer fui a comprar a media tarde, no había mucha gente. Pero tampoco había ni leche ni huevos, ni fruta, ni verdura, ni carne, ni pescado... Hemos llegado al punto en que ¡La gente roba cosas de los carros del de al lado!

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Yesterday the state of alert was decreed throughout Spain.
Classes have been suspended.
We are not going to work.
Public spaces have been closed.
I speak with family and friends and we are all experiencing this situation as if it were a fiction movie. We do not believe it.
We have Italy as an example. As an example of what we are going to get to. And what we shouldn't do. And you look out the window and you see people living normal lives. As if it were a vacation or days off that they give you at work.

On the other hand, the issue of supermarkets.
They are empty. People queue very early to destroy everything as soon as it opens. I think that people are more concerned about not running out of food than the virus, because if you get into a conglomeration entering the supermarket every day, it is where you have more possibilities of contagion. Yesterday I went shopping in the middle of the afternoon, there were not many people. But there was no milk, no eggs, no fruit, no vegetables, no meat, no fish... We have reached the point where people steal things from the shopping cart of others!

(PictureS: Took this afternoon at 16:38 p.m. by me)

No sé a donde vamos a llegar.
Y esto acaba de empezar.

Tampoco quiero ser alarmista. En mi casa realmente estamos tranquilos. No nos vamos a morir de hambre. En caso de necesidad podemos comer pasta o arroz, aunque fuera a diario. No es saludable pero es una situación de emergencia. 

Nosotros ya hemos hecho una lista de cosas para hacer en casa y la compartiré en próximos posts. Voy a intentar publicar a diario para que me contéis como lo estáis viviendo vosotros/as desde casa y también para distraerme en este tiempo de aislamiento. Me gustaría aprovechar esta plataforma para desahogarme en este momento, ya que desde el principio ha sido para mi una via para expresar mi opinión.


I don't know where we are going to go.
And this has just started.

Nor do I want to be an alarmist. At home we are calm. We are not going to starve. If necessary we can eat pasta or rice, even if it was daily. It is not healthy but it is an emergency situation.

We have already made a list of things to do at home and I will share it in future posts. I will try to publish daily so that you can tell me how you are living it from home and also to distract me in this time of isolation. I would like to take advantage of this platform to let off steam at this time, since from the beginning it has been a way for me to express my opinion.


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6 comentarios

  1. Ante todo no caer en la histeria ya que expertos han confirmado que tendremos los víveres de primera necesidad sin ningún problemas los próximos meses. Así que, es inútil que compremos como si fuese una guerra nuclear...

  2. It has become such an intense and scary situation. Where I live as well. Schools are closed, concerts are cancelled, and a lot of workplaces are asking employees to work from home. Store shelves are being picked clean of essentials as well. I'm just grateful to have more than enough of what I need and am trying to stay indoors as much as possible!
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. I'm also grateful at the end:) Thanks for your comment and be careful!

  3. I have just realised that Spain is under quarantine as well. That supermarket looks soooo empty. I really hope the condition will get better where you live. Please stay safe and stay healthy

    style frontier


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