¡Por fin he comenzado con el Método Konmari!
Hay que aprovechar la cuarentena para hacer todas esas cosas que tenemos en la lista de pendientes, como ya os dije. Y que mejor momento para aprovechar para hacer limpieza.
Lo primero que tenéis que hacer es habilitar un espacio libre donde podáis poneros con la limpieza a gusto y sin nada que os estorbe. Yo lo he hecho en el salón de mi casa.
Esperaba donar y reciclar mucha más ropa. Había cosas que tenía claro que se iban porque me estaban pequeñas... pero finalmente se han quedado porque en los últimos meses he adelgazado y ahora me quedan bien.
Independientemente de haber retirado más o menos prendas, me he conciencia de todo lo que tengo para no comprar. Cuando no hay orden, no somos conscientes de las cosas que tenemos, tanto cosas innecesarias como cosas que nos gustan y no recordábamos que teníamos.
¡Os animo a ponerlo en práctica!
- stylish patterns -
- stylish patterns -
I have finally started with the Konmari Method!
We must take advantage of the quarantine to do all those things that we have on the pending list, as I already told you. And what better time to take advantage of to do cleaning.
The first thing you have to do is enable a free space where you can get comfortable with the cleaning and without anything to hinder you. I have done it in the living room of my house.
I was hoping to donate and recycle a lot more clothes. There were things that were clear to me that they were leaving because they were small ... but finally they have stayed because in the last few months I have lost weight and now they fit me well.
Regardless of having removed more or less clothes, I have become aware of everything I have not to buy. When there is no order, we are not aware of the things we have, both unnecessary things and things we like and we did not remember what we had.
I encourage you to put it into practice!
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