by - 17:14


Comenzamos semana aunque he estado un poco desaparecida he vuelto a tope porque me llegó el segundo paquete de Femme Luxe, con los que continúo colaborando. Durante esta y la semana que viene os enseñaré todas las prendas que he recibido.

Esta semana he estado un poco malita y he aprovechado para hacer las fotos en casa con este crop top. Lo saqué hace un par de posts en color negro y me gustó tanto que lo volví a pedir en beige. Ahora en invierno los utilizo para estar en casa y en verano sé que les daré muchísimo uso.

Al pasar más tiempo en casa he tenido un ratito para mi momento AD, como yo lo llamo, que consiste básicamente en sacar un momento para leer tranquilamente la revista AD. Tengo pocos momentos para estar relajada en casa y me ha sentado muy bien este tiempo para mi.

¿Os gustan las flores?
Fue un regalo a mi madre por su aniversario y creo que le dan a la casa mucho calor de hogar.


- stylish patterns -

We start the week although I 've been a little disappeared I 've returned eagerly because I received the second package from Femme Luxe, with whom I continue collaborating. During this and next week I will show you all the clothes I 've received.

This week I 've been a bit sick and I took the opportunity to take the photos at home with this crop top. I took it out a couple of posts ago in black and I liked it so much so I ordered the same in beige. Now in winter I use them to be at home and in summer I know that I 'll give it a lot of use.

By spending more time at home I had a little while for my AD moment, as I call it, which basically consists of taking a moment to read AD magazine quietly. I have few moments to be relaxed at home and this time has been very good for me.

Do you like these flowers?
It was a gift to my mother for her anniversary and I think they give the house a lot of home heat.


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7 comentarios

  1. Me encantan las flores, y el top de FemmeLuxe, he probado varias cositas suyas y he de decir que la calidad me encanta, ¡feliz día guapa!

  2. That is a lovely cropped top. It is nice to relax with a magazine. You look great.

  3. Beautiful flowers! They make any home more happy :)

  4. you look pretty as well as flowers...

    Have a great day

  5. Great post.


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